How to live after COVID-19 pandemic / Lock-down?
We know before Deconfinement it was a tough time for us and Now there is no lockdown but still, you feel under Lockdown situation because you are scared of Coronavirus.
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic / Lock-down on your Social Life and Personal Life:
1. Slowing down your body
2. Controlling your technology use
3. Limiting your activities
During this Lockdown most important valuable points taught me :
⇾ It’s ‘time to re-prioritize’ what matters in relationships
⇾ The ‘value’ of face-to-face interaction
What I understand we have to live with this Virus and always be a precaution, if you travel on the metro, bus you must wear masks.
Some Suggestions/recommends for a good life: Not mandatory follow these steps and it’s up to you.
- Try to go out and do jogging.
- Try to meet up with your close friends not more than 5 people (Try to maintain distance).
- Try cycling and it is very essential for your health and if you don’t have a cycle you can rent it, there you will find a lot in Paris or nearby your area.
- Don’t stay a long time at home and at least you should spend 2-3 hours on the physical movements.
- if you have a healthy life you can think strongly and will have focused on your goals.